Truck Repair: Starting problems, volvo dump truck, bleeder valves

Your question was
I have a 2000 volvo dump truck with a 385 in it and it is a quad axle. The transmission went out and we have resplaced it. In replacing the transmission we took the fuel tank off. We put everything back together and can not get it to fire over. We have bleed the bleeder valves we can find. We have tried pressure bleeding the lines with air as volvo suggested and we still can not get it to start. If we spray starting fluid into the filter area and it at least tries to fire then. Do you have any other suggestions that we may try. I was going to e-mail this other guy on this web site but his e-mail was maxed out. I surely hope you can help.

Hello patrick,
I don't work on Volvos, but I assume that is a diesel. You may need to crack a couple injector lines loose and bleed some air out of there by cranking the engine.
Air in the injection system acts like a spring, and doesn't inject fuel.
