Question2001 GMC Jimmy 2-door, 4WD, 4.3L V6 Engine. I just bought
this car and know the previous owner so I'm pretty sure it's been
taken care of. The other day i drained the battery using the
headlights and radio. Proceeded to jump start the next day and
was successful to get it to start, but it died when I put it in gear.
Jumped again and was eventually able to start and drive OK.
Had to put in gear with foot on gas to keep engine rpm up. Got
home OK. Took battery in for test and was OK (13.8V) Put
battery back in and started OK but died when I put into gear
again. Was thinking some computer chip might have gotten
confused when battery was drained and had heard that turning
to ON with battery disconnected will sometimes reset computer.
Tried that and it's been OK but not for long. Think I'm fixed or
may there still be deeper issues? keith
AnswerHi Keith,
I have had that happen a dozen times, but usually on a Dodge Dakota.
After charging the bettery, it needs to be unhooked.
Actually, it would probably be a good idea to disconnect the battery while using a battery charger, and then all would be well.