Truck Repair: 1984 L10 Cummins Valve & Injector Adjustment, volunteer fire department, cummins l10

Our volunteer fire department has a Cummins L10 engine in a 1984 International truck which is used as a water tender.

What is the proper adjustment procedure for the valves and injectors?  

Valve lash is Int 0.011 & Exh 0.023.You will need a special "T" wrench to adjust the injector with that is 5-6 in lbs.
The adjustment procedure is as follows:
   A= 2 valves   4 inj
   B= 4 valves   1 inj
   C= 1 valves   5 inj
   A= 5 valves   3 inj
   B= 3 valves   6 inj
   C= 6 valves   2 inj
It doesn't matter which cyl you start on,just go in firing order until they are all done.