QuestionThank you. Connections appear good and battery checks out. The "pop" or click sound is for sure coming from the starter solenoid. Could the solenoid need to be replaced?
Is there anyway to test the starter with out taking it out?
Also, there is a temp warning light and loud beep that would always come on when the motor was cold. That beep and light comes on right as I turn the key to start now. Is there a temp guage that would prevent it from turning over?
Followup To
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I have a 85 Chevy C70 with the big old Detroit Diesel (8.2 i believe). Really cold here last few days -25 to 5 degrees so I plugged in the truck and put a battery charger on it for awhile. I have to spray ether in the air filter to get started. Have not had a problem until one day it was really hard to strat. I did get it going though and let it warm for 25 mins then drove about 20 miles and shut it off. Two hours later I went to start it and it would barley turn over. I tried twice then quit as I thought battery was going dead. I called a buddy to jump me but when we tried all I get is a click and pop from what seems to be right in front of the bottom of the steering shaft. Do you think my starter has gone out? Battery has a good charge and all connections appear ok. Let me know what you think.
Thank you,
Answer -
First of all; make sure the block heater is working; After it is plugged in for a 1/2 hour, feel the block at the block heater and see if it is warm; if not it needs replaced or the cord is bad.
On the starting prob. You need to remove the (+) cables from the starter and clean them well, also make sure the connections from the starter solenoid to the starter windings are good and tight (the solid copper piece) If you are getting sparks, it is due to a loose connection.
If connections are not a prob then you should get your battery load tested to make sure it is good.
Remember to use a fuel anti-jell.
Last suggestion.....NEVER spray ether into a air cleaner!!!! Remove the air filter first, then spray ether into the housing. Reinstall the filter after you have it running. If you spray ether into a filter, it will saturate the filter and after you get the engine running it will suck in the extra ether and has a very good chance of a "run-away" {trashed engine}. just a word of advise.
If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.
AnswerYes the solenoid could be bad. To test it: 1: use a test light on the switch leg (small post on the solenoid) make sure it has power when you hit the key. 2: if the switch leg has power; leave the key in the run position (MAKE SURE YOU ARE OUT OF GEAR then bypass the solenoid by jumping the 2 large posts on the solenoid (screwdriver ect.) If it turns over at this point, the solenoid is bad. They are fairley easy to replace: revome all wires and there should be 3 small bolts holding it to the starter.
If all your power points are good and bypassing the solenoid does not work, the starter itself is bad.
The light and buzzer will have nothing to do with the engine turning over unless someone did some real weird wiring in the truck! Check your coolant level; some of the trucks were wired for the temp warning to run if a low coolant sensor went off. after you get the truck running and if the light still gives you prob, then I can give you some advice on finding it.
Let me know if this helps or you need further advice, thank you.