QuestionI have a 1977 Ford F100 PU. I am trying to install a new steering coupling disc on it, to get the play out of my steering wheel. Can you give some instructions on how to do it? I got the 2 regular bolts out, and the screw that is in sideways, like on a older bike seat, and tried to spread the thing apart to remove it from the shaft, but, no luck. There are 2 other bolts, but, they are both round, with no way to get a wrench on them. I hope you know what I'm trying explain. I'm not a repair person, so I'm not sure how to word things right. Hope you can help. Thanks.
AnswerThose other two things are rivets, and don't need to come out to remove it.
Make sure the crosswise bolt is all the way out, as it fits in a groove in the shaft.
A little spreading is what is needed. A chisel driven in from the end tends to spread and drive off at the same time.
Either the gearbox, or the steering column will need to be moved to allow room for it to come out.