Truck Repair: how to get pinion bearing out of 1973 dodge pickup, pinion shaft, dodge pickup
Questionwe cant get the pinion bearing out of a 1973 dodge half ton you have any ideas?
AnswerHello James,
I assume you have already removed the axle shafts and the ring gear carrier?
Or are you just trying to replace the front bearing without dissassembling the rest?
If there was some overheating, which could have siezed the bearing race to the pinion shaft, taking the diff carrier out and then driving the pinion rearward would be the best.
You can't drive it rearward with the carrier and ring gear in there.
By the way...don't use an impact gun on the pinion shaft retaining nut, to either remove or tighten it. That can chip or fracture teeth on it or the ring gear.