Truck Repair: my truck wont start with ignition, starter solenoid, nissan pickup
Questionhi I drove my truck to work today and everything was fine but i got to work and turned my truck off and it wouldn't restart. my battery and alternator is working fine and i turn the key everything comes on and its not making any noise except for the fuel pump. would it be my starter. I can push start it and that works. My truck is a 89 Nissan pickup with a v6 if thats any help. thanks for you time Thomas
AnswerHi Thomas,
It could possibly be the starter or solenoid, but there are at least a couple other things to check first.
There should be a crank fuse. Then check the clutch safety switch. Then check all the wire connections. The ignition switch is a possibility.
A test light connected to the starter solenoid ign switch terminal can be used to check all of those items. If power gets there when the key is turned to start, then check the starter.
If no power gets there, after being sure the truck is in neutral, you can jump across from that terminal to the battery cable terminal, and the engine will crank.
If that scenario exists, follow that wire back till you find power.