QuestionVAN: You've got the right name for my problem. I had a mysterious electrical fire consume most of the instrument panel and innards under the dashboard of my 1992 E350 (5.8L gas engine) Ford Clubwagon Van.
I'm retired, have plenty of time and tools, and I've cleaned out the melted plastic and such. Where should I start and what should I lookout for in trying to repair it myself?
On the engine side of the firewall, I've found only one burned out wire, not yet traced. The interior wiring harness and instrument panel are "toast", literally. ;>D --Speedee
AnswerHi Speed,
Start by getting a new, or salvage yard harness.
Be sure to check the bulkhead connector where everything passes through the firewall. If there was some damage in that connector, you could splice them together if you like, rather than replace the connector.
The one under the hood could possibly be the cause of the meltdown, but I would look for some "tin foil wrapped fuses" also. If nobody ever replaced fuses with foil, look for signs of rodents building nests in the van. They will chew the insulation off wires, and then all types of problems can happen, yours among them.
See if that wire under the hood goes directly to the starter positive post, without a fusible link or fuse.