Truck Repair: 2001 Chevy S-10 Sparkplugs, column support, box end wrench

I'm trying to change the spark plugs on my 2001 Chevy S-10. I changed all of them except for one which is directly behind the steering wheel column. There's not enough room between the spark plug and the steering wheel column to get to it with any of my tools. Is this a common problem with the Chevy S-10s? What can I do by myself besides take it in to a mechanic?

Hi Suzy,
Usually you can use a swivel adapter, or a plug socket that has a hex shoulder on it where you could just use a box end wrench on the plug socket.
It is possible to unbolt the steering column support above the drivers knees, and lower the column, which may give room under the hood. I just have never seen one where that was necessary.
Look through the fender well, above the tire, and see if you can get an extension to work from there. May help to remove the tire and wheel.
Good luck,