Truck Repair: Cummins 2500, hydraulic clutches, fly wheel
QuestionHi Cliff,
I have a 2001 dodge 2500 with cummins engine. It has 56K. Recently, the clutch has been sluggish and the engine revs when the clutch is engaged all by itself. Then I stall out. Is this my clutch causing this to occur?
I spoke with a dodge dealer, and they think it is the clutch, but told me it would cost 2300.00 for a new clutch because they have to install a new fly wheel in order for the new clutch to work? The guy said if I don't put a new fly wheel in, the truck will bang hard when driving at high speeds...
Not sure if you can help with this...but thought I would give it a shot.
thanks in advance,
Amy Root
Answer If it revs while you are in a hard pull,it is the clutch.Normally the new hydraulic clutches do not like being turned too much.makes it work differently.I would take it to another repair facility & see what it would cost and do they recommend resurfacing the flywheel on hydraulic clutches.