Truck Repair: a little help, dodge ram 1500, vacuum type

Dear Sir,
   To tell you the truth, I really don't know a whole lot about trucks, but I have a question that you will probally find simple, hopefully. I have a 1995 Dodge Ram 1500 5.9L V8. I have recently been hearing a rattling or kind of a gurgeling noise underneath. I have it pinpointed, but I don't know what it is. It is a black square (not a symmetrical square, but basically a square), located directly behind the oil pan underneath. It is kind of thin compared to the other things. My question is, what is this black box called? I realize how hard this question may be, but I would appreciated a response on some suggestions what it may be. I dont think it's the catalytic converter becuase there is no big "pipes" running to it. Thank you for your time.
[email protected]

Hi David,
I don't know about directly behind the oil pan, but kinda under the drivers seat on some of my Dakotas is a plastic box looking gizmo, with some small vacuum type hoses connected to it. It is the emissions evaporative vapor canister, and could possibly be saturated with gas, especially if you often top your tank to the max.
I don't know if that is what you are referring to, but maybe.