QuestionI have 2 questions.
We have ford powerstrokes at work, they get 200-400 miles a day on them, mostly interstate, and run 80-90 miles per hour. ambulance service. Any good tips to keep them in good shape? Oil changes are around 3000-5000 miles.
My mom has a 2003 ford explorer, when it rains the front winshield gets like a film on it. And the wipers will not take it off. We have tried diffrent brands of wipers, the dealership says no one else is complaining. I have heard of taking a can of coke and pouring it on the window? What could we try?
AnswerHi Matthew,
Keep changing that oil, keep the air filter clean, and if they are turbocharged, which I'd bet they are, don't shut them off after a hard run till they idle for a few minutes. This lets the turbo and exhaust system cool down some, so the oil doesn't cook inside the bearings, and the seals don't burn up.
As for the coke...give it a try, then wash it off with hot water.
I immagine someone used rain-X on the windshield, or ran it thru a carwash with wax.
Some windshield washer antifreeze smears, also.
Amonia cleans glass quite well. Try some houshold cleaner with amonia.
And make sure someone hasn't filled the windshield washer reservoir with engine antifreeze. Wouldn't really hurt anything, but it would smear.