Vintage Cars: 29 Hupp coupe, hurricane irene, hub caps

I have a 1929 Hupp 6 wheel coupe.  Mother in law seat wire wheels. 95% restored. engine rebuilt, new whitewall tires new o/s hub caps, paint 99%.  I purchased this car in the 60's and have quit before I have got to drive it. Need to find a home.  Any idea what to ask?

Thanks in advance
Ed Brockman

Sorry for the delay in answering this question, Ed. I live in New England, and the week has been pretty much of a mess cleaning up after Hurricane Irene and the power outages.

In any event, I have several questions which bear heavily on the pricing of your car.

1. Six Cylinder or Eight?
2. What needs to be done to make the car driveable?
3. Mother-in-Law seat? Are you referring to a Rumble Seat?

Based on the answers to these questions I can come up with a more close approximation of what you could ask for the car. Assuming that there's nothing serious missing, and that the engine runs, and that the paint is done, I would put the car's value between 10,000 and 20,000 depending on model (6 or 8) and what remains to be completed. For example, if the interior is completed and only detail work is necessary to finish the car, and it's an 8 cylinder model, I would not hesitate to ask 20,000 for the car. However, if it needs an interior, the car runs but is not driveable, and it's a 6 cylinder, the 10,000 number is more appropriate.

I'm not a certified appraiser, but I do know Hupmobiles fairly well. It's also not the best time to be selling an antique car because of the economy, but there are still buyers out there. I would suggest strongly placing an ad in the Hupp Parts Locator publication of the Hupmobile Club - probably your best chance of selling the car and finding it a good home would be the membership of the Hupp Club. Contact the editor of the Parts Locator at [email protected].

