QuestionQUESTION: Value? sedan gas engine 130,000 miles excellent shape,2 owner
ANSWER: tough to say without more info , serviced regularly ( documentation), and no rust 5K top end
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: no rust, service documented Thanks for your input
Answerno problem ,good luck, market is a bit down right now
I see you said I was unclear. I Will try to state it another way
The value ( curent market) of a car that is documented and rust free -is 5K top end.'
You confirmed in your second post that it was indeed rust free and had service documentation, therefor good luck, I hope you can get 5K for it.
The market is down, this is a big - old , gas thirsty car.
get it in front of people that know MB's - that is your best bet