Vintage Cars: 1978 280CE, 280ce, vacuum pump

Thanks for your answer, the blower fan is working. Are the air/vacum pump the same thing? If so, if the pump is not operating due to a lack of a drive belt, would this affect the heater controls?

ANSWER: the air I speak of is the air conditioner unit , does your car have AC?  the other is a vacuum pump, do you have other vacuum issues?   COuld be related if all vents are closed. if you have a blower fan and you set it to defrost and you have the lines connected properly you should have heat.  Are the lines going into the heater core hot?   The only other possibility is that the water pump is spinning freely and not moving the fluid, but even with that the auxillary water pump should push enough hot coolant through the heater core to feel heat.  The aux water pump is the little pump like part , unplug power plug and connect it direct to the battery - brown wire on the pump is ground, it should spin , that is a possibility as well
I really need to see a picture or two of the engine bay if possible.
send to [email protected] , I may be able to help more, send you resources if needed.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Thanks for your answer, I will get pictures during the week and snd them to you.
I think to save any confusion I will reiterate the position of the 1978 280CE.
The Car has not been driven for 5 yeras.
It starts well and runs at 80 degrees
When all the hoses were connected through the heating/ac control unit (the unit with all the black tubes coming out of it) all the buttons on the control panel in the cabin worked, i.e. the blower fan works and also on defrost.
The hoses connected to the control unit were hot on both sides of the control unit.
There is no drive belt connected to the vacum pump.
There is no heat in the cabin.
Would I be right in thinking that the first step would be to put a drive belt on to the vacum pump to see if that livens up the system?

80 degree celcius correct?
lots can happen sitting for 5 years, especially when we are talking about radiators and heater cores
when you take the servo out of the loop, you essentailly remove ACC control of flaps and temperature settings. You should however have defrost (heat) and blower motor as those are the failsafe features of the car.

you will not be able to control temp or vents with the servo out of the loop

if the line is hot going to the core then your heater core is probably clogged or your Aux water pump  is bad check the auxillary pump, it may be shut down and not allowing passage , sorry I cannot  be of more help