QuestionQUESTION: Hi Ron, I have a 1978 280CE that has no heat and I would imagine no AC, but due to the weather, I am unable to test the AC. I bypassed the vacuum control unit to see if this was a factor, but still no heat. What would be the sequence of events to locate the problem or do you have an idea as to what it might be.
ANSWER: Which way are your ACC buttons in the cabin situated? Horizontal or Vertical? If you have and bypassed the dreaded servo correctly , then you may have a thermostat not opening,or stuck open, or a bad , blocked heater core. How did you bypass the servo? Can you feel any warmth in the heater lines going to the servo or to your bypass?
At what temp does the engine run? How many miles, how long has this problem been present?
More info you give me the more I can help you!
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Ron thanks for your reply, the ACC buttons in the cabin are vertical. We bypassed the servo by disconnecting the water pipes to the unit and linking them together with half inch plastic piping. Prior to bypassing the servo, the pipes to and from the servo, the problem has been resident since we started the car, last year, but we have had it in storage for a couple of years. The odometer stopped working at 75k and I'm not sure what temp the engine runs at but the indication needle is around center of the gauge.
Answerthe two in the front hook together ( to and from the recirculating pump and the two in the rear, pretty much as it is on the servo. If you still dont have heat and the engine is not overheating ,I would venture to guess the thermostat is stuck open, or the heater core is blocked, or less likely the water pump is bad