I have a 1985 Euro MB 280 SL w/ 97k miles. Up until 6 months ago, it ran great. Then, it would stall after being started while cold and idling for 10-15 seconds. It would crank up after a few attempts and run fine. This situation got progressively worse in that I would have to restart 6-8 times.
When I start it now, it will idle fine for 10-12 seconds and then quit. Upon subsequent attempts to start, it will run for 1-3 seconds and quit. I start it 12-15 times and it not keep running. Any suggestions? Much appreciation in advance.
Answercould be lots of issues, but first check for any obvious vaccum leaks. Broken lines, loose lines. Then check for fuel delvery, is pump providing fuel to rails, make sure fuel relay is OK
Make sure your air plate is moving freely on the intake manifold. Habe the fuel filters been renewed lately. Check to make sure fuel accumulator is in proper repair.
Check my previous answers here on this forum to cold start issues on the K jet systems. More info you give me the better, was car sitting, what is service history?