Vintage Cars: w114 fuel system, vacuum leaks, fuel pump relay

Hi there Ron, i hope you are well! Not sure if you remember but i contacted you a while ago with some problem with my 1973 280ce  W114 and the fuel pressure?....well after changing the pump,filter,rubber lines, metal lines and regulator im none the wiser? does exactly the same! someone has now suggested though that there may be a dodgy wire or something from the fuel pump relay causing it to cut out - that safety bit that cuts out in-case of an accident? i have checked the wired plug from the bottom of distributor and all seem fine, i cleaned them and tried running without them attached but no different...could this be a fault of the relay? is there some way i could bypass this feature just to see if it cuts out or not? It starts no problem but cuts out after a couple of seconds and if i touch the throttle it cuts out immediatly. theres definatly enough fuel flow and pressure as i've checked both. Any info would be great, thanks again for all your effort and info. Regards David

have you ruled out all vaccum leaks, I am wondering if you are not advancing distributor when the engine is asking it to because of vaccuum leak?

your points are set properly?  Dwell ? timimng

is  it getting and holding around  32 PSI fuel pressure, especially when you turn the motor off and the fuel pump stops running??

Does yours have a MAP sensor, look there for vacuum leaks  ( can like thing that sits on fender , large line to it from manifold)

If you can snap a few pictures of the engine bay and sent to my email [email protected] , I can look at them, perhaps I am missing something, plus I can send you some information on diagnostics, when I get your email