QuestionQUESTION: Have a 1982 380SL that has been running fine, wife went to start it one day and starter got stuck, battery ran dead before she could call me on what to do. I replaced starter and now engine cranks fine but won't run. If I spray starter fluid down throttle valve it will run, as soon as I stop it dies. I cracked a fuel line at injector distribution and has fuel pressure. What should the fuel line pressure be? Not sure what to do next. Help????
ANSWER: I assume you have spark but do check that , you may have damaged the coil/fuse issue?
Starter fluid will burn just with compression
Is the fuel pump spinning up when you turn it over?. It may be running but weak
Primary pressure - 5.0-5.6 bar (76-82 psi )short time
Control pressure, warm-up cycle completed - 3.4-3.8 bar (49-55 psi )
confirm electronics are working - fuel pump relay?
Check your fuses , prolonged starting requires a heavy draw
LEt me know what you find
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have spark, fuel pump is hard to hear, it may be weak, I am going to get a gauge to check. I checked fuses located inside passenger side kick panel all are good. Is there another fuse box somewhere else? Also where is to fuel pump relay?
AnswerMay be behind the glove box and next to the speed controlller. It is bigger than the standard "ice cube" relays and has as many as 10 pins, With spark and fuses good, I would also lean to the fuel pump/accumulator .
The current draw of the single system fuel pump should be under 8A. On the dual pump cars the draw should be 6 to 7.5A. If its more it can fry the relay
test for the six-pin relay. i am not sure if yours has the 12 pin but the tests are different.
Remove relay.
1. Ignition off. Pin 2 - ground: 12V
2. Ignition on. Pin 3 - ground: 12V
3. Ignition off. Pin 2 - Pin 5 (ground): 12V
4. Check for RPM signal at Pin 4 with starter operating.
Insert relay partially.
5. Check for voltage on the partially-inserted Pin 6 with the starter operating.
Corrective action for steps 1-3 is fix open circuit. Step 4 is to check for a bad connection from the TDI, and if none, replace the TDI (gulp!). Step 5 is to replace the relay.