QuestionQUESTION: during annual inspection in 2007 parking brake locked up, disc @ left rear wheel got red hot. Car has sat for 22 months since; now both rear wheels appear locked up. Is there something delicate I can do to release rear brakes in order to move the car for service?
ANSWER: you can try to back it up that sometimes releases them. The parking brake is actually inside the rear hubs, you can try to lubricate it from behind through the access hole, or try snapping the cable to them . If worse comes to worse remove rear wheels , take off brake caliper and remove rotors, then free them up. May have to use some persuation to get the rotors off the hub
Good luck
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks kindly, Ron. I did try reverse before emailing, but feared doing damage. I assume that you are recommending sacrificing the parking brake for now. Just need a clarification on "snapping" the cable. Do you mean cut the cable? and what would you recommend for lubricant, assuming rust is involved and there is no hurry?
Answerno I mean , try to pull it out and snap it like a string, it may loosen the brake pads.
Problem with these is that they work like the old drum brakes and the mechanism freezes up, you may be lucky if you take a wheel off and hit the center ( using a block of wood so you dont damage anything) with a sledge hammer, just make sure the car is secure on the jacks or blocks.
I have to do this often when working on well worn rear rotor removal, sometimes it takes a bid weack to get them off. I am thinking it could also free up the mechanism. And one again there should be an adjustment hole or a hole where the cable goes in, see if you can get some WD 40/ or similar in there
good luck, let me know how you make out