Vintage Cars: Flange, taking your time, fuel pump
QuestionHi Ron. Hope you're having a great weekend. I was tempted to use your rbarbato...e-mail which you gave me a while back during another car situation. Anyways I've been doing some research about the fuel pump flange for 1970 250C and finding prices a bit ridiculous. You last told me you had connections for used 250C parts. Just wondering if anybody you know might have one. Shipping would surely be cheaper too. If so anyways I would be interested in some 250C body parts, good starter, good rear left caliper, etc.. Lastly, should someone who's never rebuilt the carbs give it a try? My uneducated guess is that the replacement parts basically speak for themselves as to where they go, but I've never attempted this. Don't even know if I would remove the carbs off the engine or if the job is done while attached. Thanks again. Al
[email protected] an email for parts you need. Tell him the "panda" sent you
He has some odds and ends, hope that helps