Vintage Cars: Mercedes Benz 280S , 1973 model, fuel starvation, vacuum leak
QuestionThe wipers come on intermittantly on my dads mercedes benz 280s 1973 model, even thou havent turned on the switch. just on their own. The second problem is the car is jerking at acceleration,not sure if it is a fuel starvation factor , fuel pump or filter. The third problem is where would we be able to obtain a fluted right hand front brake disc caliper for this car in South Africa. Fourtly and lastly is there a site i would be able to download a pdf format repair manual for this car model. Any help in these regards would be appreciated.
the comtacts in the multi switch are either worn or dirty, I would clean them. The multi switch lever is easily removed to clean.Jerking can be lots of issues , any one of which you mentioned plus timing, dwell and vacuum leak I do not know of a pdf manual, nor of parts suppliers in S Africa, I use here in the states
A little more detail would help me help you