Vintage Cars: Hupmobie 1935 D 518, best bet, liddell

1. Where did all the parts from the Auburn warehouse end up and how do I find them?
2. What is the best bet for parts for this car?

Thanks for your time

The parts are still there - Stan Liddell still owns the parts and the warehouse, and with a little effort, you can still obtain things. If you will contact me at [email protected] with your email address, I can forward specific instructions. Also, if you could give me an idea of what you need, I can give you an idea of whether or not the specific parts might still be available. I was in the warehouse a couple of years ago, and have a pretty good idea of what's still there. Outside of that, the best bet for parts is always the Hupmobile club - if you're not a member, I highly recommend joining. It's only $26 per year, and the club members are really great about parts.

