QuestionQUESTION: Hello again, i started the car this morning & before it stalled took it out on the road. i drove around the block for like 15 mins came back home, stoped left to idle & imediately the pump started making irregular noise then it stalls. i had the gas cap off. the spark plug tips are black but then i adjusted the idle mixture.
ANSWER: sounds like it is getting too much fuel at idle, if the tips are black. DOes it blow black smoke? It does have fuel injectors - correct? those may be the culprit , especially if original
The fuel pump you put on - it is the correct one ??? aftermarket or OEM or OE.
I am still doing some research
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: It doesnt have black smoke, it has injecters & i think they're the original ones shud i check them fov their spray patterns? the fuel pump i put in is an after market one but it's behaving exactly like the original one i replaced. shud i change the idle mixture which is kinda difficult with a car that doesn hav a rev mitre. thanx again.
Answermy thought is you are getting too much fuel, and I am suspecting the injectors as this point. Black tips on the plugs would indicate too much fuel, burning rich. Just changing the idle speed does not have effect on the cause. We need to eliminate the cause. One guy I talked to mentioned spraying compressed air on the sensors to keep them cool and see if the issue goes away. This is a 6cyc correct or is it 8 ?