Vintage Cars: Rusty underside of 1970 250C, auto body repair, folder id

Vintage Cars: Rusty underside of 1970 250C, auto body repair, folder id
rusty 250c
Hi Ron.                                                     I own a 1970 250C but it's underside is very rusty on the frame and especially the trunk floor is desintegrating. I was advised 3 yrs ago to let it go or transplant its engine and interiors to another not rusted out one, but in three yrs I have not found others with body in better condition. Messing with it I believe that the frames rust is controllable and the rest is just replacable, but I don't understand about unitbody.                                  Are these frames pretty tough? I've jacked it by the inner frame several times and seems so (not the rockers which are weak)or do you know where possible donors might be. I'm in Florida and 114/115 have become my obsesion.  Thanks. Alex.

It looks like you have some signifcant frame rot.  Frame rot is hard to fix but can be done,you will need to be handy with a welder and bar steel.  Floor pans and trunk pans can be fixed , simple auto body repair with sheet metal
The 114/115 are great cars , strong and reliable, but when rust invades one must determine the merit of saving it.
I would think that in Fla you could find a nice donor. These car have interchageable parts over a several year span.  I picked up a parts car for one of my projects for $300.
That all said, anything can be done.  I rescued one that sat for 15 years.

Had rust, but mostly floor and rockers.  Rockers can be fixed , but will never be as strong
If you would like you can send more detailed pictures to [email protected] and I can further evaluate.  I am out of town right now but could look at them monday
Good luck and let me know how else I can help