Vintage Cars: octane booster, 455 olds, octane boost

I asked this question last week, so here it is again, I have a 455 Olds, I put 91 octane in it. I have seen octane boosters at over 100. I'd like to have 93-96%, does these octane boosters on the shelf really work? Thanks

I haven't needed to use these in quite some time, but they were an absolute necessity for my '68 Imperial with the 440.  Problem was, I had to use 2-3 cans per tankful IN ADDITION to premium unleaded to eliminate any knocking, so you can imagine how expensive that became!  My current '65 Corvair runs fine on 91 unleaded, but pings like mad on anything less.  My advice: use the octane boost if your engine knocks on the highest unleaded you can buy; otherwise, I don't know if they're worth the cost.  Unless you're drag racing with the car, what would be the benefit of higher octane other than knock/ ping elimination?