Vintage Cars: Hupmobile Purchase, hemmings website, inch wheelbase
QuestionWher do I go to look for a 1931 Hupmobile Sedan.
My Father owned one and I would to purchase one.
Thanks for your help.
MIke Ritt
AnswerThe best place to watch for available Hupmobile cars is the Hupmobile Club itself. There is a monthly newsletter called the "Parts Locator" that is included in club membership price of $26 per year, and in the "Parts Locator", there is a listing of cars that are for sale. eBay is always an option, as well as searching the various automobile auctioneers. You can also search on the Hemmings website, to see if there are any cars listed there. The most important thing is to know what type of 1931 car your father had - there were many models available that year - the Model S (six cylinder), the Model L (small eight cylinder), the Model C (small eight cylinder), the Model H (larger eight cylinder, 125 inch wheelbase) or the Model U (larger eight cylinder, 137 inch wheelbase). If you have a picture, I can probably identify the car for you so you can see what model you're actually looking for. Also, I would suggest very strongly that when you find one for sale, have a Hupmobile club member in the local area inspect the car for you so that you know exactly what you're getting into - our members are very accommodating in this way.