Vintage Cars: Safe project car, inexpensive car, safe car

I am 15 and I want to get a project car to work on over the summer and
possibly drive when I get my license in the fall. I do not know much about the
mechanics of cars but I have friends and family who are very willing to help
me out.
My Mom has agreed to let me pick out an inexpensive car to work on, but she
requires that it must be "safe". I love the Datsun and I was wondering if it
could be considered a "safe" car? There are several used Datsuns in my area
and I would love to work on one.
Also, do you have any other suggestions? I am looking for a small, sporty car
that is safe and able to be upgraded.
Thank you!

Katherine, I wouldn't go out an buy a Datsun if you are not experienced with fixing up cars.  A Datsun would be quite old at this point.  I would purchase something newer say late 80's or early 90's if you are on a budget.  A Nissan or Toyota would be a good bet.  If it is fuel injected it would be even better, since not to many people understand or even work on carburetors anymore.  Make sure the seller shows you the maintenance records so you know what you're up against; that is, you know what you may have to fix that hasn't been.  That's my recommendation, good luck.