For many people the cost of automobile insurance puts a severe strain on their monthly budget - and no one wants to pay more for automobile insurance than they have to. Hopefully this article will give you at least one (and possibly more than one) idea for ways that you can get the best rates on automobile insurance in West Virginia and save money each and every month.
Saving money on your automobile insurance can start with something as simple as finding a garage in which to keep your car at night. Garaging your car will save you money on your automobile insurance.
So will setting up automatic monthly payments of your auto insurance from your checking account.
Buying and using something as simple as a steering wheel locking device or installing a simple device for incapacitating your fuel pump until you press a hidden button every time you start your car can save you money month after month. Ask your agent which simple anti-theft devices qualify with your insurance company.
Keep your driving record spotless. The fewer traffic tickets or other moving violations your driving record has on it the less you are going to pay for your automobile insurance.
The better your credit history the lower your monthly car insurance payment. Many people are not aware that their credit rating affects their automobile insurance rate, but it does.
Buy group automobile insurance. If your place of employment offers low-cost group automobile insurance you can almost always save a considerable amount if you take advantage of it. If your work doesn't offer group auto insurance check with any club, organization or association you belong to and see if any of them offer group auto insurance.
Every year your vehicle loses value, so every year you should reduce the amount of collision and comprehensive insurance you have on your vehicle to match the decline in value of your vehicle.
Old vehicles - those whose Kelly Blue Book value is gone - should not be insured at all for collision or comprehensive. Save your money instead for a newer car.
Can you drive less? Many people are now relying on public transportation for as many of their driving needs as possible. If you can lower your driving to 500 miles or less per month you may qualify for a special Low Mileage Discount that can save you a lot of money every month.
Carpooling at work can also save you a ton of money on your automobile insurance. A portion of your monthly premium is based on the number of miles you drive back and forth to work every month. Carpooling can cut that number in half and reduce your insurance premium substantially.
If you retire or stop driving back and forth to work at all, let your agent know as this can save you even more on your insurance every month.
If you can afford to increase your deductible you will lower your monthly premium instantly. Just keep in mind that you will have to pay your deductible in cash should you ever have a claim so don't make promises that you'll have trouble keeping.
Buy your automobile insurance online. You'll almost always save money buying your insurance online, but don't stop after getting prices from just one automobile insurance price comparison site. If you're serious about savings money then you'll take the extra time and get comparisons from at least 3 different sites.
And be sure that you input the same information onto the forms on all 3 comparison sites. This way you'll be comparing the same policy each time and the results you get will actually mean something.
Finally, once you've made all of the comparisons, it's time for you to pick the lowest-priced policy you've found and then smile all the way to the bank every month, knowing that you've discovered how to get the best rates on automobile insurance in West Virginia.