For several years I have had discount auto insurance through one of themost recognized auto insurance companies advertised on television. Itwasn't the caveman or the lizard that enticed me into going with thatinsurance provider. No, it was actually the fact that I had been withanother insurance company who kept raising my rates a little bit eachyear.
Finally I got fed up and decided to search around for cheaper autoinsurance. Surprise! Because I did not have perfect credit at the time,this discount auto insurance company was the only one that didn't penalizeme with higher rates.
Okay, so I got cheap auto insurance. The problem is that after beingwith this auto insurance company for over three years, in the last fewmonths I've begun to think that I'm being charged too much. After all,I'm not in a risky age category, I've never had an accident, and my caris three years old and not one of those most likely to be stolen. So,why is my insurance so high?
This time I decided to do my research about shopping for autoinsurance, by asking for some advice first. Here's what I learned:
1. Several of the cheaper insurance companies are great when you haveyour first car and just want bare-bones coverage, but to get fullcoverage they tend to charge more than the premium auto insurance providers.
2. Often the actual coverage available thru the discount auto insurancecompanies is actually discount coverage...not as good as that offeredby full-service insurance companies. unfortunately, you often onlydiscover this after an accident.
3. Having more than one type of insurance policy with the same company,
can mean an automatic discount. Called "bundling", combining autoinsurance with homeowners or renter's insurance will often result in lowerpremium payments.
4. Since insurance companies tend to raise the rates during subsequentpolicy renewals, keep an eye on your rates. Don't hesitate to shoparound for another insurance provider, especially if the savings will be atleast $100 per year.
5. There is an advantage to having a long-term relationship with alocal insurance agent when it comes to filing a claim. Continually changinginsurance companies does not build a relationship.
I listened to all of the advice and since I was buying a new home,called my current insurance provider to see if I could save money by havingboth auto and homeowner's coverage thru them. They gave me a quote forthe homeowner's and told me that there would not be any discount forhaving more than one type of policy with them.
Disappointed, but determined to find a lower rate, I called theinsurance company I had been with before changing to the discount autoinsurance. The quote I received for the homeowner's coverage was considerablylower than I'd received from my current provider. Plus the carinsurance premium will be much lower than what I'm currently being paying eachmonth.
Needless to say, I'm switching insurance companies the minute the salecloses on the house. Another plus...the new insurance provider has alocal office with an agent that already knows me personally; a definitewin-win.
Discount auto insurance may not always provide the best rates or thebest coverage. If you are not happy with your current provider go aheadand look for the type of coverage and premium payment that suits you. Remember: It's not a crime to shop fact, it's your right.