When you get a new auto, or your auto insurance runs out, you want the best auto insurance price you can get. The fact is that if you are not careful, you could end up paying 20-50 per cent more to insure your auto than you need to. Nevertheless, the auto insurance business is very competitive, and you can get very low rates.
To get a good auto insurance price, you need to shop around, and get at least three quotes, and preferably more. But the question is: How? Sure, you could get on the phone, as most insurers have freephone numbers, or you could just leave it to a broker to get the best price. Or you can use the internet. These are the choices.
You won't get the latest information on the phone
There are some disadvantages with either using a broker or shopping around by phone. First, you are not likely to get to all the best auto insurance prices. The Yellow Pages are never completely up-to-date, so if you rely on that source for insurers you may not reach a new, competitive company. If you leave it to a broker, you will only get quotes from companies the broker deals with - not every insurer. In fact, some insurance companies deal only directly with the public and do not use brokers at all. Because they do not pay the broker a fee, you usually get a better price, and these companies are hungry for your business, which is good news for you.
Googling not the best answer for this one
The most up-to-date place to find auto insurance prices is clearly the Internet. But this is one case where you may not get the best answer by Googling for auto insurance quotes one by one. The reason for this is that many of the websites listed are not actually insurers nor brokers but directories of insurance companies - and these sites are not always updated regularly. Also, you will be surprised to see quite a few sites that are out of date. Yes, that happens even on the Internet!
You really want to get to a quicker way, where you can be sure that the source of auto insurance prices has can access a large number of insurers. There are a number of sites that do this. You just key in your details and you will get a great comparison of quotes, giving you the best auto insurance prices.