Keep your Car Insurance Premiums Down
Pay more towards the excessPaying more In the event of a collision would mean that your premiums would be lowered. If you are a safe driver and have gone a long time without having an accident then maybe increasing your deductibles to the maximum you can afford is the best option for you. This like the previous point is a bit of a gamble as you are paying less on your insurance but also risking paying more in the event of a claim being made against your car insurance.
Lower risk of younger driversYoung drivers are the ones bearing the brunt of the car insurance crack down. Their premiums are the ones that are sky high and so if you are a younger driver or have a young driver on your policy then getting them to take the Pass Plus course can help bring the premiums down with some participating insurers. Making an older vehicle the main transportation of young drivers can help too. Some insurers in America have a discount called "Good Student Discount", where students with a grade average of B get a small discount on their car insurance, it isn't common here in this country but it may be worth asking your insurers when adding the driver, as it may help improve the impression the insurers have of the driver.
Enquire about no-claims discountsOne of the more common discounts available is the no claims discount, when renewing or getting new car insurance you should mention that you haven't had to claim for whatever amount of time you haven't had to claim for. Normally this is measured in years, and if you haven't had any discount from your insurers yet then you may be in for a surprise when you renew. Whilst it may not occur to us straight away we may get a discount of 60% for four years without having to claim. In some cases you can protect your no claims bonus for a price, when doing this make sure you weigh up the extra cost against the cost your premiums may rise to if you have an accident.
Look after your carThis doesn't mean getting rid of the empty drinks cans and burger wrappers from the foot well, but rather making your car more secure. Securing your car with a Thatcham certified alarm and immobiliser can reduce your claim as it is less likely to be stolen and can deter thieves from breaking into your car. Keeping your car locked in a garage is another point that insurers will ask about, what a thief can't see, a thief can't steal. For the sake of emptying out the garage of junk you can save a considerable amount on your car insurance.
This is just a small list of things you can do to reduce your premium, most of them are things we should do such as shopping around rather than accepting what's offered by our current insurer come renewal time. If you follow these tips as well as other recommendations form your insurer then there's every chance that you can slice your insurance premiums in half, potentially even more! Good luck in your quest for cheap car insurance!