Cheap motor insurance can be found and the easiest way to do so is to go with a specialist broker. A broker can search on your behalf and as they are specialists will make sure that they search the UK motor insurance marketplace on for the best deal. With this in mind there is no reason why hundreds of drivers on the road are driving uninsured and illegally which causes other people many problems and substantial cost.
However drivers in some areas should be aware that from September 2007 police have new methods which can help them to crack down on those who try to evade paying out for car insurance. With the help of the Motor Insurers Bureau they now have access to a system which can help them to determine whether or not the driver of a car has insurance. It is hoped that the method will see some success and be used more widely and keep the 78,000 cars which were found to be driven without insurance last year and which police seized off the road next year. With already 29 of Britain's police forces already having signed up for the scheme this year and another 14 expected to be singing before 2008 is rung in it is hoped that these selfish and reckless drivers who cannot be bothered to shop around for cheap motor insurance will be caught and taken off the roads.
Cheap insurance quotes are available to everyone regardless of age and gender, however if you do go with one of the insurers that do offer deals for women drivers, old and younger drivers e.t.c then your quote could be even less. Whichever type of insurance you are going for you cannot get a better or lower quote than going with a specialist broker for your cover. The specialist accesses a wider spectrum of lenders than you could possibly do when making a search on our own because they specialise in digging out the cheapest deals along with giving sensible advice on how you can reduce the cost of your car insurance for yourself.
Ways of reducing the premiums for car insurance are to stick with a small car and lower engine size, installing additional safety features such as steering wheel locks, etched windows, and car alarms and parking your car in a garage overnight. The specialist will also be able to give you the advice you need to ensure that you get the cover for your needs, there are three basic types of car insurance with fully comprehensive being the dearest but of course as the name suggests covers for most eventualities. Third party fire and theft cover comes in the middle and is one of the most popular choices especially for younger drivers and third party only is one of the cheapest but gives very little cover.
Always stick with a broker for the advice and for cheap motor insurance as finding it yourself can be almost impossible and even then you cannot be sure you have searched the entire marketplace.