When buying car insurance, the type and the insurer that you decide to go with will depend on the amount that you are asked to pay in premiums. On saying this, whichever form of insurance you decide to take, whether fully comprehensive or third party fire and theft, you can save money on it if you just follow some simple common sense.
In some cases you save yourself just a few pounds per year, while others will help you shave a hundred or more from your car insurance premiums over the year.
The premium you are quoted and are asked to pay will depend on various factors and one of the factors which can make a big difference to how much you pay in premiums is the amount of excess which you are willing to stand to should you need to make a claim. All companies will ask that you pay so much towards the cost of the repairs to your car and the more you are willing to pay for this, the cheaper the premium will be.
However, when considering this as an option to go for a way to reduce the premiums on your car insurance, you will have to determine if you think the risk would be worthwhile. If your driving and safety record is immaculate then this is in your favour. However if you have claimed before then it might not be in your best interests to try and bring down your car insurance premium this way unless you are willing to stump up a bigger excess.
If you are thinking of making savings this way then perhaps you could put the money aside which you have stated as your excess. This will ensure that should the unthinkable happen you won't have to worry about finding the money.
When you have decided how much you wish pay for your excess then it is imperative that you shop around for the cheapest car insurance premium possible. You should get quotes from as many insurers as you can or use an independent broker to find the right policy for you.
Also take into account any exclusions within policies, as very often these are hidden in the small print of the policy and aren't clearly listed. This can save you money in the long run.
With a little bit of knowledge and forethought you can make savings on your premium by getting the best deal possible on your car insurance simply by raising the amount of excess you pay.