One of the best ways to lower your car insurance premiums for teenagers would be keeping clean driving records. You should educate your teenagers to follow laws and restrictions. It would be easy for you to convince your teenagers on this matter if you yourself as a parent would set the same good example and watch your own driving as well.
Instead of taking a separate policy for your teenager, you can just include him or her on your existing policy as an additional driver. In this manner, the discounts applied to your policy can be passed on as well.
If your teenager gets a high grade point average (GPA), usually 3.0 and higher, you will get up to 10% discount on the insurance premiums. Try to determine the amount that you will save from such and you could give the savings you obtained to your teenage son or daughter as a sort of reward for their academic performance. This will not only encourage them to study hard and get good grades but it can help them as well later in the future to get into good universities with the good grades that they have.
Enrolling your teens in certain educational driving courses can help you obtain discounts as well. It would be wise though to first determine from your insurance company which schools are covered for this before spending money on any driving course.
Avoid giving your teenagers sports cars which will give them the tendency and the temptation to drive fast. Instead opt to provide them cars with the latest safety features that will help reduce your insurance premiums.
Get your teenager's support and show them that everybody will benefit from any savings that the family budget will get from the lowered car insurance premiums.
Take the time to talk to them and set some guidelines with regards to drugs and alcohol which are two of the causes of teenage car accidents.
A ticket or violation on your teen's license may take several months to be removed. If the judge permits, encourage your teen to take traffic school to help beat the tickets.
Take a ride with your teenager and observe how they drive. If you find them breaking any laws or doing anything that will prove to be unsafe then point these mistakes out. Be sensitive on how you tell them about it. Otherwise, praise them for a good job at driving.