You may be a retired person that has been a good driver you entire life. Don't you deserve discounted auto insurance providers? AARP auto Insurance offers the discounted rates for the maximum coverage that you deserve. AARP auto insurance was created with the retired driver in mind. You may have heard of AARP insurance but have not been clear on their benefits. One of AARP auto insurance's best benefits is First Accident Forgiveness. Everyone has a bad day. Does that mean you should have to pay outrageous rates? You can benefit from AARP's accident forgiveness benefit if you have not had an accident or major violation in the past five years.
Have you ever heard of a ZERO DOLLAR auto insurance deductible? Your can have that also with AARP auto insurance along with the First Accident Forgiveness. To qualify, you just have to keep your driving record clean like you've already been doing. It starts with a $150 deductible deduction and as you continue to have a perfect driving record, it goes down by another $50 each year until it reaches $0. After all these years with a perfect driving record, AARP auto insurance wants to keep you around. You might say they are saying. "Thanks for all the great years, we appreciate having your as our client".
AARP also believes that if an accident is not you fault, you shouldn't have to pay a deductible. So that is what they do. If you are in an accident and the other driver is at fault, there is no deductible for you. They will also reward you even further if the repair is made at a shop they approve before hand.
How can you get this awesome auto insurance coverage? First you need to be a member of AARP. AARP auto insurance is just one of the outstanding benefits that AARP members have access to. The Hartford Insurance Company is actually the company that offers this great coverage special to AARP members.
Insurance companies can be tricky sometimes. Some will only guarantee the rate you are paying for 6 months. But with the AARP policy your are protected for 12 months. Not only that, but you can continue to renew you policy as long as you can drive and pay the premium. They can't say your a too old as long as you have a valid license.
While it is nice that AARP auto insurance offers you a break due to your age, but that is not the only discount they have to offer. If you have more than one car on your policy you may be eligible for a multi car discount. Suppose you take a defensive driving class? You can also get discounts by completing such a course. If you are safety minded ad have air bags and anti-theft systems you will also be eligible for even greater savings. .
Isn't it nice to know that there are some advantages to getting older, such as a great auto insurance policy to match your limited income? You have earned the benefit of reduced premiums by living a life time with a good driving record. AARP auto insurance recognizes your experience and safety record and offers you the best in discounted insurance for retirement aged people.