Women drivers are well known for their well, it really depends on the perspective you are looking at them from. If you are a male driver that has an unbelievable need to put your foot down then they are nothing but a nuisance. However, if you happen to be a car insurer then you will probably be more than happy to offer them car insurance at a cheaper rate than you would a man of the same age, driving experience and make and model of car. Womens car insurance is a big sector of the insurance industry at the minute and there are plenty of reasons why.
However, it is necessary to look into the financial and practical reasons as to why car insurance quotes are cheaper for women than men. The former can best be explained by the case of Mr and Mrs Bickley from a small village in the West Midlands. Their brand new Ford Focus needed insuring and so they both set about getting quotes.
They are both aged 29, with Mrs Bickley being older by three months. They live in a rural, low crime area and have a secure garage attached to their home. The only difference, apart from gender, is the fact that Mr Bickley had 4 years no claims bonus instead of the 3 that Mrs Bickley had.
The Bickleys went to E-Sure and CIS directly to get individual car insurance quotes as well as a couples one to compare the prices. Mr Bickley, having a years more no claims bonus, should have had lower quotes, but Mrs Bickleys quote was 107 less instead, all because she is a woman!
Female car insurance quotes tend to be lower primarily because the statistics prove that men have more accidents on the road, and higher serious accidents as well as general ones. As such, men make more claims than women and cost insurers their higher profit margins every year!
Speed is also an issue because men do tend to drive at higher speeds than women, which is a proven fact given that more men get in trouble with the police for driving related offences. They also tend to get distracted much more easily.
The choice of car is also a big part of why male car insurance premiums are higher. Men have a habit of buying faster and more powerful vehicles because women think practically rather than living out their fantasies. If anything happens to the powerful cars, whether stolen or in an accident, it costs more to fix or replace them, which contributes to the premiums as well.
Womens car insurance also comes from specialists. Every woman can choose from specialist or general insurance but men do not have the luxury. As such, men should expect to pay more now and into the future!