Many people are of the opinion that the driver without the insurance should be liable, it isn't always that easy. Let's face it, if the driver couldn't pay the car insurance, there is no way that they will be able to pay for any damages to the other vehicle or property. Likewise if the other person is injured, then the cost of medical bills and loss of earnings are not going to be covered.
Many times, people who drive without insurance feel they are left without a lot of choices and simply try to be safe while on the road. They will tell you that they are unable to pay for car insurance or if they could find a reasonable priced insurance, then they would be covered. But the truth is, if you cannot afford car insurance, then you simply cannot afford to drive.
In most cases, if people are realistic, they can afford the things that are truly important to them. If they are simply willing to change their spending habits a bit, they can then afford car insurance. For instance, if someone either drinks or smoke, they could simply cut back on those items and easily pay for their insurance. Although that is a simple example of how someone could make some easy changes and afford insurance, many people are not willing to make the needed changes.
Sometimes people will approach a broker and obtain a quote that is out of their price budget. If they were not focused on getting low car insurance then they will simply give up at the first quote. What many people forget is that insurance companies have different rates for different people and that rates also vary between different companies. Insurance is not a set price and it is surprising how much it varies just by ringing round a few places. With a bit of determination, anybody can find low cost insurance.
Listen and look out for insurance adverts. There are plenty of companies out there specifically targeting people with low incomes, bad credit or a poor driving record. All they have to do is to pick up the phone and they can have low cost car insurance. Anybody can have cheap car insurance these days. An uninsured car driver who isn't doing what they can to get cheap car insurance obviously couldn't be bothered about it in the first place.