Tips On getting Effective Antique Car Insurance
An antique car can be a beautiful thing to share, especially if you take them to shows; these cars in particular need some type of insurance to protect them against accidental damage. Fortunately there are antique car insurance companies who are able to provide the sort of cover an older car needs. This is obviously good for the person searching for the classic car insurance as they have an abundance of companies to choose from; this should also make it easier to find a company that provides a quotation they can easily afford.
Mainstream auto insurers are also now able to provide this type of insurance for antique cars; these plans reflect the specialized nature of this type of auto cover and are often called 'collectors auto insurance'. Perhaps more so than a modern car, these policies need to be more precise and an insurance representative will require as much information about the car before he can supply a tailor made quote. You can of course lower your premium by increasing your deductible above the standard limit your insurer sets.
It usually gives the policy holder peace of mind to purchase auto coverage for an antique car through a well known commercial insurer. These are usually trusted and old firms with a relatively large customer base. If your insurance is purchased through one of these large commercial insurers then you can usually insure your regular car with them, sometimes on the same insurance policy. The cost of an antique car insurance policy can often be higher with this type of company but many antique car owners feel it is worth it as they feel much safer knowing the company has a long history and is well known.
There are also many independent auto insurers available to purchase car cover for an older car; they may provide plans with a lower premium but are unlikely to insure any other type of vehicle. A number of independent insurance providers even specialize to the point where only a certain type of classic car is insured. You should spend some time doing good research when choosing an independent antique car insurer because you will have a good deal of money at stake. First and foremost make sure they have a good reputation.
You don't want to be in the situation where you require their help and find that all your premiums have been wasted because they cannot or will not honor your claim. Searching and finding the right antique car insurance company is not as simple as locating a regular auto insurance provider; if you want to protect your investment however, it is a necessary process. It is not an option not to protect even lowly classic cars because they are worth many thousands of dollars.