As most insurance industry professionals will tell you, with budget car insurance you often get what you pay for. With the mandated need for auto insurance and low wages of some drivers, it can be difficult to obtain and maintain car insurance coverage. Several companies currently offer budget auto insurance to help them meet the legal requirement of insuring their vehicle.
In most states that mandate all drivers carry car insurance, there is minimum amount for liability for personal injury and property damage. Many of the budget auto insurance companies offer the bare minimum in coverage at a rock-bottom price, but if the person wants to increase their coverage amounts, the prices is usually similar to the insurance offered by the big-name companies. Additionally, a person who is buying a car that has lien held by the lender, they will also need comprehensive insurance coverage so the lender knows their investment is protected against loss by damage.
Similar factors affect the cost of insurance regardless of the company through which it is written, but most budget car insurance companies can offer the minimum amount of insurance required for the minimum premium payment. Most will also have a low down payment, enabling drivers to start their coverage quickly and then make monthly payments to keep the coverage in force.
Weight Service And Price When Choosing Insurer
Most traditional insurance companies offer a grace period for making payments, some as long as 10 days, during which time the insurance remains in force. Some of the budget auto insurance companies may offer a grace period, but typically, if the driver misses a payment the insurance is cancelled with 24 hours of the due date. For those whose paydays do not match the premium due date, this can be a problem. In most cases, when cancellation occurs the state is notified as well as the lien holder, which can subject the vehicle to repossession or impounding.
How fast the insurance company responds to a claim should also be considered when thinking about obtaining budget car insurance. If your coverage includes the use of a rental vehicles, waiting two or three days to have an adjuster go over the claim can leave the person in a lurch concerning transportation. It is also important to look at how they handle potential liability issues in case of personal injury.
Many budget auto insurance companies will simply pay the limit on your policy without fighting over the charges and if additional money is rewarded, the driver is solely responsible. Some insurance companies will join in the driver's fight against potentially fraudulent claims made following an accident.