When you are in the market for car insurance you should be aware that there are many different varieties for you to choose from. Car insurance is not at all a straightforward market, meaning you may need to do a bit of research before you buy. There is a plan or coverage out there for everyone; you may just need to find the right insurance company and policy for your needs.
Research before you buy so you are aware of what is covered and what is not and also to ensure that you do have not only the proper coverage required by law, but the coverage that will provide you and your specific vehicles and lifestyle need.
Understanding Car Insurance
When you buy insurance you should know that most states have mandatory minimums, which means that you must purchase at least a certain amount of coverage. Licensed insurance agents and companies will not sell you a policy that offers less coverage than what you are required to purchase according to the law in your area.
Bodily injury liability is a type of coverage that just about everyone is required to have. This type of coverage will cover any bodily injury claims from the people involved in an accident. It will need to be proven that you caused or at fault for the accident for your insurance to pay out.
Another type of coverage is property damage liability, and most people are required to have this as well. This type of insurance coverage will cover any property damages to third parties involved in an accident that you caused or are responsible for. This type of damage includes repairs that may need to be made to other cars involved.
You may also need to purchase coverage that will make medical payments to the policy owner as well as other passengers in the policy owner's car. This type of coverage is often what is most useful when you have been involved in a car accident as medical coverage is so expensive.
You may also want to purchase collision insurance, which covers the loss or damage to your car when you are involved in a car accident. This type of coverage is nice because it doesn't matter if the other person is insured. Your car will be repaired if you are involved in an accident.
You will also want to consider comprehensive coverage, which will cover the non-collision damages to your car. Many people don't think about this type of coverage but it comes in really handy if your car is broken into, if it is damaged in a storm, or if the windshield is broken. Many people assume that they will not ever need this coverage, but it is better to have the coverage and not need it than to need it and not have it. It is a good rule of thumb to have more coverage than you ever think you will need. It really is better to be safe than sorry!