Insuring Your Car at a Car Show
Do you plan on taking your special or vintage car to participate in a car show? Then doing so with inadequate or no car insurance is just asking for major trouble. Just imagine for one minute that you're at a show, proudly showing off your pride and joy, when suddenly a kid comes running by and accidentally scrapes something down the side of your car scratching the paintwork, or a mother accidentally knocks her baby buggy off the side panel causing a small dent. What happens if some youngsters are playing a ball game and the ball flies over and smashes a window? I think you get the picture now! No car insurance in this situation equals to major problems. Obviously at some car shows the vehicles are behind protective barriers but usually, and especially at the smaller shows, they're not.
All too often people make the mistake of not insuring their car adequately before a car show, not realising that cars that are of car show standard need to be covered for at least the sum total value of the vehicle. You may find that your current policy has certain limitations or restrictions attached as to what they will pay out on and you definitely do not want to discover this after the worst has happened! You must ensure that you have sufficient insurance coverage, just to cater for all eventualities. Check your current policy carefully and ascertain exactly what it covers; or more to the point, what it doesn't. Consider all the possible accidents that could befall you, as we mentioned above for example and then look again at what exactly is covered by your current insurance policy. Ask yourself if it covers all eventual outcomes. Once you know exactly where you stand, you may well need to supplement the policy with some extra cover. Regardless of which road you choose to go down (pardon the pun), make sure that at the very least the entire value of the car is covered.
Sometimes the event organizers or sponsors provide insurance for the vehicles present at their show but even if this is the case, it is strongly recommended that you still insure your car on a personal level as well. At least by doing this you will be one hundred percent certain as to what you are covered for.
Some insurance companies require the vehicle to have a physical inspection before being issued with insurance policies or policy additions and amendments. They will want to verify the actual condition of the car before it is taken to the car show just to make sure there are no pre-existing dents or scratches, etc.
At the end of the day, enjoy yourself in the knowledge that your car is looked after- it's the very least it and you, deserve!