One main consideration (or hindrance!) in buying a car is the car insurance. While you are prepared to shell out a huge chunk of your savings for a car, well, at least you get to use, ride, and even flaunt it - that's something you wouldn't mind paying for. But car insurance - it's intangible. You'd think you may not even have a reason to use it. What a waste. Think again. Car insurance may just save you from a far greater trouble and expense when the need arises. So, take it in - it's a legitimate need that you have to pay for.
The next best thing you would need to do is to make sure you are not paying more than you should for your car insurance. This article is about helping you save on this important expense.
You see, the insurance policy that is being pushed to your face by the car is not necessarily the insurance that you have to buy. Don't celebrate yet and let your guards down after a long and tedious negotiation with the car dealer, you must also treat the review of your car insurance policy with equal scrutiny. If you feel like you are being asked to pay too much for it, go check with other insurance companies.
Shop around for insurance the same way you shopped for your car
Don't be pressured by your car dealer's pitch about totally closing and - there's one more paper to sign - that's the insurance policy. Consider that insurance company as only a recommendation. You may or may not take it. Rule of thumb is: shop around for your car's insurance with the same intensity and diligence you used in making sure you have the best deal for your car. You must go ask around, research, and search the internet for the best car insurance policy. The internet has somewhat leveled the playing field for some otherwise smaller companies that they can offer the same benefits at a lower cost.
You can save money on the cost of your car insurance in five different ways:
- Find out all the discounts and privileges you may be entitled to. Haggle, cajole, (or threaten if you must) so you can get them all. You will be surprised at how substantial your savings can be out of this effort.
- Be a good driver. Keep your records clean. There are benefits that await those who prove to be less risk with a clean driver's license.
- Rework your insurance coverage to cover more grounds.
- An entry level car would cost less to insure than a luxury brand and model.
- Research, research, and research more for better insurance deals in the internet.
In all your bargain-hunting for a car insurance, it would be best to remember that you don't save by cutting on your coverage or downgrading it. Doing so puts you at a greater risk of paying for more when the need arises. The challenge here would really be on finding the right company that charges less for the same coverage.
Most importantly, just deal with a reliable and trustworthy insurance company that would really attend to you and would pay promptly when the need arises.