There are numerous car insurance brokers who can get away with a very average package at such a hefty price tag simply because their clients don't know anything about it. If you don't like to be in the mercy of these unscrupulous brokers or to ensure that you will be able to obtain the right coverage for yourself and your car, here are a number of important terms that you have to fully understand:
Liability Coverage. This is the an insurance coverage wherein the claim can be used to pay for a damage you have caused to another vehicle or even person. There are many types of liability coverages that you can choose from. There's the damage to property, if you happen to hit his side door, hood, or any other part of the car. You can also avail of a liability coverage so you can pay for the medical expenses of the injured party. A liability coverage may differ, depending on the state you're in, so you have to verify that with your Department of Insurance. You can also ask this office if you want to have more information about liability coverage.
Accident Forgiveness. Whether you like it or not, there are some accidents that can be your own doing. Normally, you won't be able to make any claim for the damage done to your property. What's more insurance companies may even increase your premium. Fortunately, there are some companies that are offering accident forgiveness. A person who has not met any at-fault collision or accident within the span of 5 years will be able to have this privilege. Should you meet an at-fault accident, there will be no surcharges to your premium.
Appraisal. When you apply for a car insurance, your vehicle should be appraised first to determine its total value. This will be used by the insurance company to determine how much your coverage will be and your interest rate. This process is also performed during accidents to identify the damage's extent. It will be necessary in determining if you deserve the claim that you want or if you are worthy to be given such. This should be accomplished by an independent entity, which means he doesn't work for the company and you shouldn't have any personal information about him.
Collision Coverage. This is an insurance coverage that can guarantee you payment if your car gets damaged because of collision or after being hit by an object. You will also be able to make a claim for this if your vehicle overturns. Keep in mind, though, that a collision coverage normally is very limited. This means you won't be able to use it if your car breaks down because of bad weather, someone steals or vandalizes it, or if it catches fire. Make sure you have read and fully understood the terms and conditions of your collision coverage to avoid making unnecessary claims.
Deductible. This refers to the amount that you have to pay personally. Not all insurance policies will be able to cover the entire cost. Sometimes they can only pay a portion of it, and you need to shoulder the rest. If you increase your deductible, you can bring down your premium. It's also ideal to know how much you will likely spend so you can already set aside a considerable personal contingency fund.