If you are a female looking to get cheap auto insurance thenthe good news is that you shouldnt have a problem finding a plan to suit you.This is because most insurance companies class female drivers as a lower riskand therefore the insurance rates that are offered to you tend to be lower thanthey are for male drivers.
Why Female Drivers Tend to Get a Better Deal?
Female drivers are known as safer drivers to most insurancecompanies. This is because the damage caused to the cars which female driversare in when an accident occurs is generally lower than it is when a male driveris in an accident. It is what statistics show and so insurance companies are alot kinder to female drivers because they know they have a lower risk of payingout a large sum of money to them.
So if you are a female driver, you will automaticallyqualify for cheaper auto insurance than male drivers. There are also otherfactors which affect your auto insurance quote and these include:
Yourannual Mileage
Your age
Whetheryou own a Pass Plus certificate
If youhave a clean record
All of the above factors can help you to get lower insurancerates. Your age will make a big difference to your auto insurance rate.Generally the younger you are, the higher the risk of you having an accident.So you should expect to pay a slightly higher rate if you are under the age of21.
If you would like to benefit from a discount of up to 30%then you could aim to gain a Pass Plus certificate. This is earned after takinga few extra driving lessons once you have taken your test. It shows insurancecompanies that you have an added knowledge of driving and therefore you arelikely to be even safer on the roads. It is definitely worth thinking about ifit will gain you up to 30% off your auto insurance rates!
Finally, if you have been driving for a little while and youhave a clean record then you should point that out to any insurance companythat you apply to. A clean record shows you have been a careful driver and itis likely that you will get a discount because of it.
There are many ways in which you can benefit from lower autoinsurance if you are a female driver. One of the best ways to get the cheapestpossible auto insuranceis to apply to companies which specialize in femaledriver insurance. There are many companies around who prefer only to deal withwomen and so it should not be a difficult task finding one to suit your needs.