It has been proven that women drivers are safer thanmen. Women get less citations and infewer accidents. Women also chooseeconomic vehicles with good gas mileage.Usually the cars that women drive also dont cost much to repair whenthey break down also. However, justbecause you are a woman doesnt mean you will get cheaper car insurance.
Your driving history and your age make a big difference toan insurance company. If you are a womanand you have no prior tickets then you will get a good rate. If you have many different tickets for manydifferent violations, then you will have a higher rate. The longer you drive without any trafficviolations, the better your rate will be.As time goes by and you dont get a violation, your rates will continueto drop.
Something else you should consider when you are looking fora good car insurance rate is the type of vehicle you are insuring. Some vehicles are more expensive to insurethan others. It doesnt matter how goodyour driving record is. You can findlists of the most expensive vehicles to insure versus the cheaper vehicles toinsure online or you can ask an insurance company for the list also. If you havent purchased a vehicle yet, youmight consider this list prior to making a purchase.
Age is a big factor when you are looking at car insurancefor women. Rates are usually very highwhen a person is under the age of 23.This is because the person hasnt had much time to create a good drivinghistory. In addition, younger driverstend to have more accidents and get more tickets. The best way to get the best rate with ayounger driver is to insure the cheapest vehicle possible with the least amountof insurance needed. If you are tryingto get full coverage on a vehicle with a loan from a bank then you can be sureif the driver is under the age of 23 the insurance will be over $300 a month. A cheap car that is paid off with onlyliability insurance wont cost much money at all.
When you are looking at car insurance for women you do haveseveral factors on your side. Insurancecompanies do look at the statistics that women get fewer tickets and they aresmarter drivers. However, just becauseyou are a woman will not get you the rate you are looking for. You will need to have a good driving record,be older than 23, and be driving a smart vehicle. If you meet all of these factors, chances aregood you will get an excellent rate on your car insurance policy. If not, be prepared to pay a good chunk ofmoney each month to insure your vehicle.