Insufficient coverage. "State minimum required coverage equals to sufficient coverage" is a common thoughts in drivers' mind. They never think how the minimum required coverage is decided, simply the amount the state wants you to have. The state has not considered drivers' personal situation before setting it. If you own a home, or other substantial assets, the minimum car insurance cannot protect your home. Therefore, it is best to talk to your accountant or your income tax preparer before deciding the limits of your car insurance.
Under the situation that your car insurance does not sufficiently cover the damages, including medical expenses of injured parties, property damage repair or replace, in an at fault accident, you need to settle the bills personally. Although it does not mean the injured part to take y our home, you may still need to pay the bills by borrowing against your property.
Having too much. Some purchasers of car insurance automatically think they need the highest limits of every coverage that is available. Although that may be a prudent approach, it can lead to premiums that are beyond the budget of the average car insurance buyer.
Hoping not to buy the insurance. This is one of the biggest mistake to think about car insurance, while many drivers on U.S. roads still think in this way, even the states already require that insurance is needed. 57% of vehicles owned and registered in Florida do not have car insurance. And in some states, it is mandatory to provide the state minimum required car insurance proof before getting a license plate.
In order to reduce their burden in car insurance, vehicle owners applied for car insurance only right before the renewal of their licenses, after purchasing the cheapest insurance, being able to provide insurance proof and having the licenses renewal. The insurance is lapsed right away.
Misunderstanding the coverage of insurance policy. It happens more common than you think, and most commonly seen in divorce cases, When you are planning to be separated with your partner, car insurance is likely to be considered at low priority. Rules on car insurance for divorce caess are different between states. Some states allow the owner of the car insurance, who apply for the insurance policy solely, to remove their partners from the policy coverage, without informing them.
These are just a few of the pitfalls of car insurance. The best advice is to keep in contact with your insurance agent. Make sure that as your life changes, you update your coverages. For example, if you buy a home, you may want to increase your liability coverage. Best advice is to review your policy every time it comes up for renewal to insure that you have the proper coverage for your current situation.