A recent survey predicts over 179 million people will be watching the Super Bowl this year and we wanted to have a little fun with that massive population as it relates to insurance, vehicles and you…
Here is our TOP 5 List of “Interesting” Super Bowl XLVII Stats!
1. An estimated 15,500,000 gallons of gas will be used driving to and from other people’s Super Bowl parties (179,000,000 people/4 people in the avg. American family)/2 (half will host a game, half will need to travel) x 12 miles round trip (avg. city borough) = 268,500,000 / 17 MPG (avg. car) = 15,794,117 gallons of fuel
2. An estimated 71 million pounds of avocados will be diced up and made into guacamole during the Super Bowl. That’s 111 Statue of Libertys. Napkins are in your glove compartment, right?
3. Total advertising during Super Bowl festivities will exceed $12.3 billion dollars — that’s the equivalent of giving everyone watching $68.71, or 2 weeks worth of gas!
4. Many car manufacturers are utilizing the power of YouTube to “leak” their 2013 Super Bowl ads. Check out a few here: VW, Mercedes & Lincoln
5. In 2012, 42% of social media conversations focused on the Super Bowl commercials. Of all brands, Doritos claimed 14% of those Internet “voices,” according to Networked Insights. Will social media play a bigger role this year?
Answer Financial reminds you to drive safely around town. In the state of California, the American Automobile Association (AAA) expects a 75% increase in DUI related accidents so please exercise safe driving habits.
Boring halftime performance? Call us and we’ll get you a new insurance quote in a snap– we’ll be here at 1-800-258-5101 or visit us at www.answerfinancial.com. Enjoy the game!
Data Sources:
http://www.perishablenews.com/index.php?article=0019539 http://www.jsonline.com/sports/83314227.html http://www.jsonline.com/business/super-bowl-tv-audience-will-be-larger-spend-more-than-in-2012-r68hv31-188696571.html http://www.energyxxi.org/sites/default/files/MetricoftheMonth-NOV11MotorVehicleMPG.pdf http://condor.admin.ccny.cuny.edu/~ms6785/page4.html http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_average_capacity_of_a_football_stadium http://info.networkedinsights.com/rs/networkedinsights/images/Strategic_marketing_driven_by_real-time_consumer_insights_-_Networked_Insights.pdf http://www.thefix.com/content/california-prepares-super-bowl-sunday-drunk-driving91218image