Survey finds that most adults favor stricter laws for teen drivers

A new survey conducted by Allstate found that most Americans are in favor of stricter laws for teen drivers, including the banning of cell phone usage, and setting the minimum age for obtaining a driving permit to 16 years old.

The survey, which was conducted by phone in mid-July with 1,000 U.S. adults, found that 81% believe that teen drivers are either “poor” or “average” drivers, making teens the lowest scoring among all age groups.

Survey respondents indicated they would support various restrictions, including: 1)  Banning cell phone use for teens while driving (81% support); 2) Restricting unsupervised nighttime driving (65% support), and; 3) Limiting the number of non-family passengers for drivers under the age of 18 (65% support).

Allstate argues that the survey could reflect strong support among Americans for the Safe Teen and Novice Driver Uniform Protection (STANDUP) Act as the results seemingly back up provisions within the Act. STANDUP is part of the Motor Vehicle and Highway Safety Improvement Act of 2011 which is currently pending in Congress.

Do you agree with these results or do you think they are too strict (or not strict enough perhaps)? Please let us know in the comments.
