The George White Insurance Agency understands the problems facing consumers in need of auto insurance in Texas. Current rates are very high, and this is even more the case if you need auto insurance in Houston or another dense metropolitan area. Founded in 1983 in Houston, TX, the George White Insurance Agency brings its wide array of experience and knowledge to bear on your individual situation. If you live in Texas, cheap auto insurance is guaranteed to you by virtually every insurance agency you hear advertised on the television or the radio. While low rates are certainly important, George White's commitment runs much deeper. He will work diligently to provide you a Texas auto insurance quote that takes into account your individual needs, now and in the future. This detailed, comprehensive approach is, quite simply, what separates the George White Insurance Agency from other auto insurance agents.
George White personally has over twenty five years experience in all facets of the Texas property and casualty insurance industry, including three years in underwriting, two in finance, one year in the comptrollers office, and four years in claims evaluation as a licensed examiner. This has given George White a broad understanding of all aspects of the insurance industry and the many complex perspectives that are involved. He will work to provide you with the best Texas auto insurance quote available to him, whatever your situation. George White will be the first to admit, however, that the companies he represents may not necessarily have the best products and rates for your individual needs. Should this be the case, George White will provide you his expert assistance by suggesting alternatives that are most likely to benefit you.
Whether the George White Insurance Agency is able to provide you auto insurance coverage, or simply point you in the right direction, the commitment of this company far exceeds most expectations. George White's objective is not only to provide you the best auto insurance rates and the most comprehensive coverage today, but also to advise you on how to structure your insurance habits in such a way that your rates do not increase in the future. Again, this is especially important for those seeking Texas auto insurance in Houston or other metropolitan areas, where the high incidents of traffic accidents and population growth have made rates extremely volatile.
Simply a phone call or email to George White Insurance Agency will allow you to interact directly with the agent. George White can provide you with a wealth of information regarding, not only Texas auto insurance, but also your property, commercial and financial insurance needs--should you desire. We realize commercial insurance is many times complicated by insurance jargon that creates confusion for individuals who are otherwise experts in their own fields. We will not allow that to happen at Texas Auto Home Insurance. George White and his helpful staff are eager to discuss your situation in detail and ensure that you receive the best possible coverage at the lowest rates. George White is convinced that Texans deserve service of this magnitude. This distinction will become clear once you contact us.